U.S. Geological Survey

USGS NSDI Training for creation of formal metadata

X windows and widgets

A data structure that normally includes information about a user-interface component (like a button or an edit box) and has pointers to the code needed to make the component work. Windows are not widgets but widgets have windows in them. Widgets that don't have any windows are called something else (gadgets).

A subroutine in an X application that has been given a textual label. X uses the labels to figure out which subroutine it should call when you press a key that has a translation associated with it.

These are statements that tell an X application what action to do when the user presses a particular key. With "key" I include modified keys like Shift-F1 or Ctrl-Alt-Delete (which doesn't necessarily reboot your machine).


Any of the 334 named topics within the CSDGM. Elements contain either other elements, in which case they are referred to as compound elements, or some value, in which case they are referred to as data elements or scalar elements.

In documentation for xtme I use subtree to refer to an element, its children, its children's children, and so on; everything below a given point in the hierarchy.

The compound element that contains a given element.

An element contained by a given compound element.

An element whose parent is the same as a given element.

This page is <URL:http://geology.usgs.gov/usgs/gdinfo/nsdi/training/glossary.html>
Maintained by Peter Schweitzer
Last updated Thursday, 10-May-2012 16:01:19 EDT