Enumerated Domain Helper

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Filling out an extensive set of Enumerated_Domain sections can be tiresome. For each possible value, you need to specify what the value is, what it means, and who or what authority originated the value and its definition. Each set should go into its own Attribute_Domain_Values and Enumerated_Domain to keep the components together and properly related. This isn't hard to do if you have only a few values. But where there are more than ten such values, they are often easier to write as a table.

This form converts a simple textual table into metadata elements that can be selected from the web browser and pasted into a metadata record. The table should have one value and definition per line, like this:

A1: Steak sauce
B4: Previous time period
CU: Parting phrase
Note the colon character between each value and its definition. You can use a space if all of the values are single words, and you can use a tab, hyphen, or equal sign. Also you can put any number of spaces before the value, or between the value and its definition:
        A1	Steak sauce
        B4	Previous time period
              CU	Parting phrase
The form rewrites each line as an Enumerated_Domain like this:
    Enumerated_Domain_Value: A1
    Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: Steak sauce
    Enumerated_Domain_Value: B4
    Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: Previous time period
    Enumerated_Domain_Value: CU
    Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: Parting phrase
You can select the output text using your mouse and paste it into a suitable metadata editor (Xtme or Tkme, for example), or into a text editor if that's how you create metadata.

You can also add a third column in the input text to indicate the value that should be assigned to Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source.

Delimiter separates each value from its definition. Choose the one used in the text you are providing.
Enter a delimiter here only if yours is not listed in the drop-down menu above.
Specifies the format of the output. Input is always plain text.