U.S. Geological Survey

USGS NSDI Training for creation of formal metadata
Workshop session five

Clearinghouse for Techies

Building and maintaining a node of the National Geospatial Data Clearinghouse


Following this optional session workshop participants will understand the steps needed to install, populate with metadata, and maintain a Z39.50 server on a PC running the Linux operating system.

Topics of discussion

  1. Install and configure Linux and WWW server
  2. Set up metadata directory in web space
  3. Download metadata
  4. Run mp on metadata to get html and sgml files
  5. Download Isite software
  6. Configure and run Iindex
  7. Configure and run zserver
  8. Test zserver
  9. Add a metadata record
  10. Rebuild Isite index
  11. Restart zserver

This page is <URL:http://geology.usgs.gov/usgs/gdinfo/nsdi/training/5.html>
Maintained by Peter Schweitzer
Last updated Thursday, 10-May-2012 16:01:20 EDT